Sometimes it really does seem like there are two gospels. One focused on fixing social ills and issues: poverty, racism etc. And there is the spiritual gospel where salvation is about eternal life. The gospel is more than just either of these…it is both of them and more than.
Other than social issues, and eternal life, I believe the gospel includes good news for the creation: For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross Col 1:20
But it is still more than this too…our gospel is often just too small. The gospel is the pinnacle of good things. The gospel is good news for everything in life that is bad news. It is the opposite of everything that is destructive, negative and evil. Paul writes in Romans 5 that sin came through one man how much more will life come through Jesus (heavily paraphrased – go read it!) Jesus came to bring life in every place there is death or the vestiges of it!
I guess the gospel is one of those perfect medicines…good to heal everything. Jesus really is good news in a multifaceted way, and some parts of his power will only be revealed in times to come…man I can't wait!
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