Sunday, May 25, 2008

Xenophobia II

Today we baptized my second born, Alex, it was a great service. One of the things we did as worship was to make a call for our church to help reach out to some of those affected by this horrible xenophobia. This is not really xenophobia but something much more violent and evil. This is a return to the horrible past of this country of ours.

Rainbow nation…not quite.

Zapiro's comic says it all:

Anyhow we raised over R15 000 to help those affected to begin to restart their lives! We also have collected 2 car-fulls of clothes, non-perishible food and the like. Some of the money and items will be going to Bellville Presbyterian Church our sister church who are helping 60 folk by housing them at the church and feeding and clothing them. Awesome resoponse!! This is what the gospel is all about. Sharing the justice, mercy and compassion of Jesus with those so desperately in need. The rest of the money and clothes will be going to the Western Cape Council of Churches to help 1700 displaced people in Kayalitsha.

As I reflected on this issue this evening with a bunch of teenagers, I believe that God gets mad at this. If money lenders in the temple got Jesus riled, I think this must get God worked up. Anger is OK if it moves us to get involved and rectify the wrong. It is time for God’s people to stand up with a righteous anger and lets make this world the kinda place Jesus wants it to be.

Let’s think carefully next time we pray “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…” it might mean us getting really involved in some of God's work in this world...

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